Meet our See it through Actress: Vanessa Swartz

Featured: Vanessa Swartz on See It Through
By Vukulu Sizwe Maphindani

VANESSA CAROL SWARTZ played a Role of "Zee" co-starring in our film titled See It through alongside Sihle Mphuthi whom played Ntsako.

Vanessa was born in Namiba 79-09-20. she is the second child in a family of five; four Girls and a Boy. 
She grew up in Capetown, studied both primary and secondary at Malmesnury.She has a degree in Acting and Diploma in Public Relations.

"I'm a proud Mother to my 7 year old Son, "JUAN". My Son is My Life, My Everything."
"I have been in the Acting Industry for 14 years subtracting my singing years."

Yes, you read right? She started off her media career as a singer, she performed in events, bars and on Cruise ships before she "passed the mic" and for 14 years the stages and screens has been hers

In person, Vanessa is a great loving and sweet person, but focused when it comes to her work as an actress and playful when necessary to even the balance:

 "I love God, and without him I don't know where I'd be. He's the Alpha and the Omega of my Life, the reason for my still being alive"

Vanessa played a role of a very vicious devil whom got married under community of property and later killed her husband and his mom in the pursuit to inherit his house, investments, cars and wealth. But she never succeed in that endeavour since at the end of the film she is attacked and killed by her late husband's long old friend. To those whom have watched "See It through" on Channel 251 they think that "She is a devil" and they think she portrays her "true colours" while all that is not true. The duty of all artists is to educate society as if those characters were real to interpret the message successfully.

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